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Press Release on the Creation of “Hope for Peace” Group


October 9, 2023

Press Release on the Creation of “Hope for Peace” Group

Hope for Peace was formed by Ethiopians and individuals of Ethiopian origin from both the Amhara and Tigray communities, who are gravely concerned by the serious antagonism and conflict between the two brotherly peoples who share centuries-old history and tradition. The main goal of the group is to help mitigate the alarming hostility that developed between the Amhara and Tigray communities in the past several years, and especially during the recent war, and pave the way for the return of peace and stability to the region.

The creation of Hope for Peace is predicated upon the unprecedented nature of the current animosity between the two peoples – who have a long history of intertwined existence, shared culture, beliefs, and religions – which is not only pervasive amongst the political elites of the two communities but also permeated the ordinary people. The conflict has already inflicted heavy human cost and property damages in both communities, as well as led the country into a serious political crisis. This political crisis has also drawn the interference of foreign forces that threaten the very survival of the people and the country as never before.

Due to the small- to large-scale conflicts and civil war that raged in most parts of Ethiopia – including Tigray, Amhara, Oromia, Afar, Somali, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambella, and other parts – millions have died or have been displaced, and the very existence of the country is in danger. Of these, the war waged primarily in Tigray region but also in neighboring Amhara and Afar regions for two years in three successive campaigns, the four-year-old and still ongoing war in Oromia region, and the war currently being waged in Amhara region hold the highest places in their destructiveness.

In particular, the extremely bloody and devastating war in the Tigray and Amhara regions has endangered generational continuity of the two peoples. The war was especially troubling as it was not only characterized by unparalleled animus between the two communities, but also compounded by blatant interference of foreign actors. Hope for Peace was established to help stop the current hostilities between the two peoples permanently, as well as press for the full implementation of the Pretoria and Nairobi peace agreements signed recently while also addressing their shortcomings and other outstanding issues. If, in the unfortunate event the war resumes, we hope to strive to minimize its impact on the people and change the situation for the better through peaceful engagements.

The main objective of Hope for Peace is to stop the prevailing hatred and conflict between the two historically closely bonded communities and bring about healthy and peaceful relations. Further, this group aims to create a peaceful political environment wherein the two peoples and their leaders together resolve political and other differences through discussions, negotiations, and legal means.

While we at Hope for Peace envision to champion the promotion and implementation of our peace agenda, we will not directly participate in negotiations, nor serve as mediators.  Instead, we will strive to stop the vitriol, hate speech, and propaganda that has now become the hallmark of the current political discourse; work with the two communities to help them address political differences via peaceful means; and press political forces of the two communities to resolve their differences through discussions, negotiations, and legal means and not through violence.

To accomplish these major objectives, Hope for Peace has been deliberating, preparing, and planning for over one year. During this process, the group has evaluated the following key issues and reached a common understanding:

  • Issues that led to the current state of animosity and conflict between the two peoples,
  • The status and gravity of the ongoing situation between the two communities,
  • Ways to strengthen people-to-people engagements between the two communities,
  • Short- and long-term tools and solutions that will serve to permanently address the challenges


We found it important to reach a common understanding on the above-listed issues and challenges, recognizing that a mere declaration “let’s solve our problems peacefully” will not help achieve the intended goals. To this end, Hope for Peace has outlined the timing and structure of its future activities carefully, and has adopted a guiding document to achieve its goals. To facilitate implementation of these activities, our group has also formed various working committees and is finalizing its preparations to publicly announce its creation.

Hope for Peace recognizes that the origins and solutions of the current crisis between the two peoples is political in nature. However, our group does not have any political agenda or any aspirations for political power whatsoever. Our sole aim is to facilitate and play a constructive role to bring about peace and normalized relations between the two communities. Therefore, Hope for Peace is nonpermanent in nature, with limited agenda, and without any permanent structure or legal status.

Although addressing the issues between the peoples of Tigray and Amhara is a lofty cause by itself, the problem cannot be divorced from the overall state of national affairs and the needs and interests of the Ethiopian people. Therefore, the success of our mission will depend in part on the active participation and support of other communities nationwide. Further, we also recognize the need for others to join our cause, those who understand that the antagonism between the two communities has serious implications to national and regional stabilities.

Our group is also gravely concerned by the many emerging conflicts in regions elsewhere in the country (especially in Amhara and Oromia) with varying magnitude and gravity. We believe that these burgeoning conflicts need to be tackled through initiatives like ours before they get out of control. We also believe people-to-people conflicts of this nature are inherently best addressed though non-governmental engagements rather than governmental and political organizations.

Recognizing that the sole aim of Hope for Peace is to resolve the antagonism and conflict between the two communities, and it is part of the wider national dialogue agenda rather than against it, we call up on all members of other Ethiopian communities to view and support our mission positively. Amicable coexistence between communities is the foundation for lasting peace and stability in any given country or region. Therefore, we call on the Tigray and Amhara regional governments, the Federal Government, peace-loving political and civic organizations, religious and community leaders, influential individuals, celebrities, all citizens, and the international community to support our peace initiative and work with us. We also respectfully call on the media and social activists to rally behind the goals of Hope for Peace and disseminate our message of peace to the people and all stake holders.


Hope for Peace, North America

Peace for Our Existence!

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